Today: 'Lunch and Learn' program to offer pointers on using virtual reality in public speaking

Learn how to use virtual reality for professional development and public speaking training, such as speeches, media interviews and sales pitches, during a “Lunch and Learn” session at noon on Wednesday, Jan. 17.

Representatives from VirtualSpeech will demonstrate their award-winning soft skills training platform integrated with VR and artificial intelligence for practice sessions that provide a realistic and engaging learning experience. 

The session, sponsored by the National Press Club Communicators Team, will be conducted on Zoom and is free to Club members. The VirtualSpeech team will also discuss how AI is being applied to professional training in an evolving business and media landscape. Registration is required.

VR enhances communications skills by improving delivery, body language and presentation effectiveness. The technology provides immediate feedback in safe and controlled virtual settings, from boardrooms to conference halls, to increase a speaker’s confidence before facing real audiences.