Club sets election calendar for board, officers

The 2014 nomination period for National Press Club board member and officers opens on Sept. 29.

The calendar below lists election deadlines. Rules are posted on the Club website.

2014 Election Calendar

September 22 Board appoints Election chair
Board approves eligible voter list

September 25 Notice in the Wire with nominations calendar

September 29 Nominations open

October 24 Nominations close

October 29 Candidate bios and photos due
Eligible voter lists uploaded online

Oct. 27 – 31 Candidate review period
Online ballots created
Paper ballots sent to printer

November 3-7 Online ballot tests

November 10 Online voting opens
Candidates given eligible voter lists
Wire story featuring candidates and website link
Copy of ballots and bios posted on website Copy of ballots posted member bulletin board

November 12 Paper absentee ballots available

December 5 Last day to request absentee ballot by mail

December 11 Online voting ends

December 12 Election Day – polls open 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Last day to receive mailed absentee ballots