Getting Into the Nitty-Gritty of Podcasting

Jun 3 2021

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Jun 3, 2021 at 12:00pm

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Tom McMahon

[email protected]

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Professional Development

This event is open only to NPC Members. Please login to register.


Podcasting is a relatively new medium with huge potential. Half the U.S. population has tuned in at one time or another, many sticking around to explore the ever-expanding pod-o-verse after their introductory show. It’s a sticky medium that has people coming back for more, but why? The vast amount of available content is one factor driving listeners to keep pressing play. Another reason is the medium’s incredible intimacy. This is what’s really turning first-time listeners into forever fans.
Listeners bond and connect with their favorite shows. They pop in their earbuds specifically to listen to guest interviews and the thoughts of their favorite host. If a podcast interviews an expert or promotes something, it carries weight and resonates with the audience. With no signs of the industry slowing down, now is the time to start planning how you can tap into podcasting.
This Lunch and Learn program will provide attendees with an understanding of the industry landscape as it is today, who the power players are, and the various ways to tap into the fast-growing medium. Through the use of multiple case studies and personal narratives, David Keine and Jon Dispenza of Podchaser will highlight the numerous benefits and rewards of podcasting. They’ll break down different options and explain how using podcasts as a platform can bring communications professionals closer to their goals. Whether the intention is advertising, placing a client or thought leader in front of a new audience, or really anything at all, they’ll show how to move forward.
In addition to going over the information and benefits surrounding podcasting, the best practices for planning and executing a podcast campaign will be covered. The Podchaser team will talk about what information is most important when making strategic decisions and what approach is best for you, depending on goals. There’s a lot within the medium; it’s just about deciding what’s the right fit and where to go.

This program is free and open to National Press Club Members ONLY.  Register online.

About the Panelists
Dave Keine is the head of Product and Marketing at Podchaser, where he oversees platform direction and is entrenched in the podcast community, focusing on powering podcast discovery. Prior to Podchaser, he founded Triangle Content, a podcast production company that amassed more than two million downloads in its first year of existence. He's worked in all parts of podcasting, from marketing and sales to creative and production. He has also been an advertising agency creative director working with Fortune 500 brands.

Jon Dispenza is the head of Customer Success at Podchaser. A man of many hats, Jon’s background is a buffet of experience. Military service, executive chef, woodworker, podcaster, and various sales and support positions make up his impressive resume. At Podchaser, he continues to show PR and marketing professionals how to leverage Podchaser, eagerly awaiting the day when he can pass on everything he has learned. Jon truly values the relationships he’s built with Podchaser customers and is always happy to lend a helping hand when he can!