Juneteenth Week Event. Financial Punishment: The Black-White Wealth Gap and the Justice System.

Jun 21 2024

Clock icon WHEN:

Jun 21, 2024 at 6:00pm

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Holeman Lounge


Louise Story

[email protected]

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Juneteenth Week Event. Financial Punishment: The Black-White Wealth Gap and the Justice System. 

The Black-White Wealth gap is stuck at 15 cents on the dollar. That’s how much wealth the typical Black family has compared to $1 held by the typical white family. There are many reasons, and one significant factor is the uneven hand of the Justice System.

Join a discussion of racial wealth gaps and the Justice System with national experts as well as with Louise Story and Ebony Reed, who are the co-authors of the new book "Fifteen Cents on the Dollar: How Americans Made the Black-White Wealth Gap."

This event will feature a wealth gap data presentation by these authors as well as a panel on the Justice System featuring leaders from The Marshall Project and Reform Alliance, and also panel about the gap featuring leaders from  Prosperity Now, Living Cities, and Reparations 4 Slavery

The event is co-hosted by The Marshall Project, which is a non-profit news outlet covering the Justice system. 

There are two registration options. Register here if you'd like to receive a copy of "Fifteen Cents on the Dollar" upon entry. Register here for free if you have already purchased the book.

Story and Reed will sign books after the presentation. Their book debuts on June 18 and has received stand-out endorsements, including: 

“Wealth is where history shows up in your wallet. Fifteen Cents on the Dollar is an unforgettable look into how the racial wealth divide impacts families, our economy and our society as a whole. This pivotal work is a must-read for those hoping to understand how today's inequalities are the result of a system built on a legacy of oppression.” — Heather McGhee, author of The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together