Taxpayer, Farm, Rural, and Environmental Advocates Urge Congress to Reject Farm Subsidy Increases

May 10 2023

Clock icon WHEN:

May 10, 2023 at 8:00am

Where icon WHERE:

Bloomberg Room

Info icon MORE INFO:

News Conference

A diverse collection of taxpayer, farm, rural, and environmental groups will hold a press conference on Wednesday, May 10 at 8:00am urging Congressional leaders to reject attempts to increase reference prices (farm subsidies) for covered commodity crops as Congress debates the farm bill. 


The organizations participating in the press conference include: FreedomWorks, National Taxpayers Union, Taxpayers Protection Alliance, Taxpayers for Common Sense, R Street, EWG, Rural Coalition, the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, and Farm Action. 


On May 1st, the groups sent letters to the Chair and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees opposing increases in reference prices. 


WHEN:                       Wednesday, May 10 at 8am EST


NOTE:                        Please RSVP for the press conference by sending an email to: [email protected]