NPC Headliners Book Event: "Reinventing the Wheel," Patricia A. Broderick

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Jun 25 2024

Clock icon WHEN:

Jun 25, 2024 at 6:00pm

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Cecily Scott Martin

[email protected]

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NPC Book Event

Registration/tickets required

Judge Patricia A. Broderick, a senior judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, will discuss her new book  “Reinventing the Wheel: Hard Roads Can Lead to Beautiful Places” at a National Press Club Headliners Book Event on Tuesday, June 25 at 6 p.m. 

She will be joined by Sen. Tom Harkin, one of the main authors of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. 

After suffering life-changing injuries in a car accident as a teenager, Broderick resolved to forge a new path through life as a woman in a wheelchair. What followed was a life of career achievement and personal adventure (skiing!), but not without challenges.

Tickets cost $5 for National Press Club members and $10 for the general public. Pre-ordered books will be available for pickup and signing at the event. A limited number of books will also be available for purchase at the door.

The program will include a question-and-answer session. To submit a question in advance, put JUDGE in the subject line and email it to [email protected].