Risks & Dangers of HR1369

Jul 26 2023

Clock icon WHEN:

Jul 26, 2023 at 11:00am

Where icon WHERE:

Zenger Room

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News Conference

One Korea Network (OKN) & the Korea-US Alliance Foundation USA (KUSAF-USA) Press Conference:  Risks & Dangers of HR1369, the "Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act"

Wednesday, July 26, 11am Zenger Room

This Press Conference will highlight the Campaign led by OKN along with KUSAF-USA for ‘REAL’ Peace on the Korean Peninsula and to counter the ‘fake peace’ initiative led by pro-North Korean and leftist supporters of H.R. 1369, the “Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act.”

The Press Conference will feature remarks from members of Congress; select authors who contributed to OKN’s book, “The Quest for Peace on the Korean Peninsula” **; and other experts on this issue.

To attend, please RSVP HERE.  

For media inquiries and other questions regarding the Press Conference, please contact: 202-394-7005; [email protected]https://onekoreanetwork.com/