Solidarity for Shireen Abu Akleh

May 11 2023

Clock icon WHEN:

May 11, 2023 at 10:30am

Where icon WHERE:

First Amendment Lounge


Cecily Scott Martin

[email protected]

Info icon MORE INFO:

News Conference

Registration/tickets required

Veteran American reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed on May 11, 2022 as she was covering a raid near Jenin in the West Bank. A correspondent for Al Jazeera, Shireen had been covering events in the region for 15 years and was following all the protocols to maintain safety. She was in plain sight of the Israeli forces. She was wearing a vest clearly marked PRESS, and was wearing her helmet.  But, despite these precautions, evidence indicates she was fired upon and killed by the Israeli military.

Shireen was a U.S. citizen and as such her death should receive a full investigation. The Israeli government’s cooperation has been limited and insufficient and no one has been held accountable. The National Press Club and the National Press Club Journalism Institute, call on the Israeli and U.S. governments to fully investigate and bring Shireen’s family and her colleagues justice. Shireen was a well-known and beloved journalist doing her job and she has been killed with impunity. Abderrahim Foukara will discuss the concerns of Al Jazeera as Shireen’s employer. Eileen O’Reilly will remind us why the National Press Club honored Shireen in 2022 with the President’s Award. Shireen’s niece, Lina Abu Akleh, will address the concerns of Shireen’s family as well as her own personal loss.

The event is open to National Press Club members and their guests, as well as credentialed press. RSVP to [email protected].

