Club strategic plan tops membership meeting agenda, Oct. 11

The National Press Club's draft five-year strategic plan is now available online for member review.


Nine months in the making, the National Press Club’s draft five-year strategic plan is now available for review by Club members. The draft will be discussed and voted upon at the Oct. 11 general membership meeting at noon.

After the largest survey of Club members in its history, as well as roundtable discussions among present and past leaders, the Strategic Plan Task Force, led by Vice President Mike Freedman, made a series of recommendations.

The draft plan is available online to Club members who login to the Club website. It also is accessible under "strategic plan" on the drop-down menu under the "Membership" tab.

The “member-services-centric” plan calls for (among other strategic initiatives):

Fostering a strong sense of community among Journalist and Communicator members.

Ensuring a safe, comfortable and attractive environment for all members, staff and guests.

Creating a new, responsive structure for membership and member services.

Actively building a more diverse membership.

Completing a review of member categories and costs, considering consolidation of some categories and creation of others that fit the mission.

Supporting journalists and strengthening the profession and its reputation through press freedom and news literacy initiatives.

Increasing the number and raising the profile of news-making events while ensuring that event spaces are attractive and technologically advanced.

Significantly broadening use of social media as part of an overall effort to strengthen communication about visibility for events.

Upgrading and transforming the website.

Establishing a task force to map an effective strategy for the Club and the Journalism Institute to nurture and navigate their individual growth, collaborative endeavors and historic sharing arrangements.

Engaging with building management on planned renovations and an array of issues critical to determining the Club’s future.