Club will "celebrate" 1919 start of Prohibition

Jefferson Street StruttersA six-piece Ragtime/Dixieland band will make the Reliable Source jump on Wednesday, Oct. 23 as the National Press Club commemorates the night a century ago that Prohibition began in Washington.

With the Jefferson Street Strutters providing the music, the Club will “Party Like it’s 1919” from 6:30 to 9:30.

Come in costume if you like, but be prepared for a good time as the Reliable Source bartenders prepare a special cocktail for the evening and the chef creates a menu of three all-inclusive dinner selections.

Hear about what happened at the Club that night in 1919, how the Club “honored” Prohibition, and how the Women’s National Press Club was founded that year as Congress approved women’s suffrage. It was a big year in D.C. and for the Club.

This event is a combined effort of three Club teams, History and Heritage, Events and Young Members. No special charge for entry, but please reserve by clicking here so we know how many people are coming.