Indie authors to learn details of Club's book raps, Oct. 10

Indie Authors


The next gathering of the informal National Press Club independent author group is set for Thursday, Oct. 10, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the McClendon Room.

The guest speaker this month is Joe Motheral, who chairs the Club's Book and Author team. This recently reconstituted group has taken on the responsibility for organizing some of the Club's treasured book raps. Motheral will discuss the group's process and standards for inviting authors to appear.

The independent authors group meets each month, and welcomes authors who have published at least one of their books independently; that is, not via a traditional publishing house. Prospective authors who are seriously considering the independent publishing route are invited to attend as guests.

RSVP to Ed Barks at [email protected] to reserve your seat. Advance reservations are strongly recommended.