2 Spots Open for Tony Horton's 5K Team July 17

Only two spots are left on Tony Horton’s 10-member P90X team for the NPC Beat the Deadline 5K on Saturday, July 17.

You can join Tony’s Team Challenge, get an official photo with him and receive an NPC/P90X gift bag by donating an extra $100 to the EFNJL, which produces trainimng and awards scholarships for journalists. Register at www.press.org/5k .

Run or walk for cash awards and doors prizes that include free dinners at top DC restaurants and delicacies from shops like Curbside Cupcakes.

To join a full P90X workout with Horton, reserve your tickets for the Speakers Boot Camp Luncheon on Friday, July 16. Horton will speak about new trends in training U.S. military troops in the field and lead the audience in a workout he’s designed for the Defense Department. Reserve at [email protected] .

-- Melissa Charbonneau, [email protected]