2016 membership renewal dues and Second Century Fund

Dear National Press Club Member:

Thanks so much for all your support that made 2015 such a fabulous year at the National Press Club. I know that with the momentum we have been building, 2016 will be even better!

Soon you will receive your membership renewal notice. As in the past, the notice will include the annual $25 assessment for our Second Century Fund. The Second Century Fund, set up decades ago, is a type of Club 401k that will ensure we have reserves to meet capital and operational needs far into the future.

Please include the $25 payment with your dues renewal. When combined with the proceeds from the Norman Rockwell art proceeds, the Club will be in a better position to meet future needs than any time in recent decades.

Please respond promptly when you get the dues notice. If you have any questions, or if you receive this letter but do not receive your renewal, write the Membership Department at [email protected]. I am grateful for your support. Thank you!


John Hughes
National Press Club President