$40 Gift Cards for NPC Communicators focus group participants; few spots remain

The National Press Club is looking for communicator members who wish to participate in the first focus group based on the results of the 2012 National Press Club Membership Survey.

The communicator focus group will meet Thursday, Oct. 11, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Communicator members who participate will be asked to share their thoughts on the Club. A few spaces remain.

If you are a Communicator member of the Club who would like to add your voice to this important focus group, please send an email with your contact information to [email protected] no later than Friday, Oct. 5.

The Club will also convene three other focus groups representative of the Club's demographics. The focus group will be conducted at the Club by representatives of an independent firm, so your opinions will be confidential and not attributed to you.

Participants will receive a $40 food and beverage gift card that can be used at either the Reliable Source or Fourth Estate restaurants. Food and beverage will also be provided during the focus group.

Angela Greiling Keane, Club vice president and chairwoman of the Strategic Planning Committee