Air Force public affairs chief to address American Legion Post 20, June 19

Brigadier General Edward Thomas, director of public affairs for the Air Force, will be guest speaker at a meeting of American Legion Post 20, which is affiliated with the National Press Club, on Tuesday, June 19, at 12 noon in the Club's McClendon Room.

The speaker portion of the meeting is open to all Club members.

In addition to advising the Air Force secretary and chief of staff on public affairs matters, Thomas oversees the Air Force’s worldwide public affairs program.

Last March the Air Force issued guidance restricting the release of certain operational information to the press until its public affairs personnel received new training on dealing with the media. This move generated controversy and was criticized by some press organizations including the Military Reporters and Editors Association.

A graduate of Texas A&M University,Thomas is a 27-year veteran of the Air Force. He has been in his current position since June 2016. Previous assignments have included staff assistant for public Affairs to the chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; director of public affairs for the U.S. European Command and director of public affairs for Pacific Air Forces.

Post 20 was started in 1919, the same year the American Legion was founded, and has been associated with the National Press Club ever since. Famed World War I General John 'Black Jack' Pershing was instrumental in starting Post 20. While serving in Washington after the war, Pershing was an associate member of the Club.