Andrew Price, 43 Years on NPC Staff

Veteran waiter Andrew Price reached a 43-year milestone at the Club this week.

He has served meals to kings and presidents and movie stars, but what Price likes to do most is feed the media.

"He picked the right job when he showed up for work one hot August day 43 years ago," Executive Director Bill McCarren said. "He has been with us ever since. Andrew handles some of the key assignments at the Club, including serving the head table for NPC Luncheons, board meetings and other special occasions."

McCarren called Price "a professional's professional."

"He glides silently in and out of rooms with the grace and elegance of a dancer," McCarren said. "Banquet diners glance down at their place setting to find a wonderful meal has appeared soundlessly. They think about their favorite beverage, and somehow Andrew is at their elbow with coffee or iced tea. How does he know? For 43 years he has been observing people. Imagining what they want. Meeting their needs. Surpassing their expectations. Bringing joy. Smiling."

"Mr. Price is a treasure to the National Press Club," said President Alan Bjerga. "I hope everyone who sees him around the Club offers him congratulations."