Annual members photo exhibit set for September; enter beginning Aug. 3

Photo of a homeless man in Paris.

The National Press Club members photography exhibit, the 21st annual display of visual storytelling, takes place Sept. 1 to Sept. 30. Now is the time for members to go through their collections and pick out their best work for this year's show because the entry period for images begins on Aug. 3.

The annual show, sponsored by the Club's Photography Team, offers an opportunity for members to display their top-quality photos and tell the stories behind them. It is not a contest. There are no judges or prizes.

This year, of course, is different from previous years because of the COVID-19 pandemic and all the changes to much of our daily routines, as well as sharply reduced in-person activities at Club. As a result, this year -- and we hope, just this year -- the exhibit will display only electronic images, not print photos. If public health and conditions at the Club allow for more activity, the Photo Team will ask the staff to display slide shows of the images in the main lobby during September.

Members may enter up to four images in the exhibit. Entries for the exhibit are accepted from Aug. 3 through Aug. 22. Members should start going through their collections now to find those images that capture special moments, times, and places. The Photo Team will provide an online form for members to enter their details and upload their photos.

And as before, photos or images displayed this year cannot be repeated from earlier annual exhibits. However, images submitted for the Club's Coronavirus Life collection may be entered in this year's show. Full instructions and guidelines for the exhibit will be ready shortly.

As last year, the exhibit features an online catalog where participants can tell a little about themselves as well as the stories behind their photos. And the catalog lets members display links to online stories, galleries, podcasts, videos, and social media posts related to their photos. The 2019 exhibit catalog is available online.

Questions? Contact Photo Committee co-chair Alan Kotok at [email protected]