Are you an independent author? Join your brethren, April 11

For nearly a year, National Press Club members who are independent authors have been meeting to share ideas and best practices. We are always looking for fellow indie authors to join us.

If you meet that description, why not plan to attend the next discussion Thursday, April 11, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the McClendon Room.

Who qualifies as an independent author? If you have written and published at least one full-length book not using a traditional publisher, you're in. The book(s) must be available for sale to the public. Print, ebook, POD and audio book formats qualify.

At the April 11 gathering, members will be asked to address two questions:
-What is the most rewarding aspect of going the indie publishing route?
-What do you wish you could change about the indie publishing process?

Future meetings will feature occasional guest speakers with expertise in book publishing and distribution.

Contact Club member Ed Barks at [email protected] to reserve your seat in advance. There is no cost to participate. If you have interest but are unable to attend, email Barks to be advised of future gatherings.

Note that we focus on the business end of authorship, not the act of writing. Ours is a relatively informal and thoroughly collegial group, so come prepared to participate and gain inspiration.

Attendance is limited to Club members.