Atlanta Press Club extends deadline for judges

The deadline has been extended for National Press Club members willing to help our fellow press club in Atlanta with their annual contest.

The deadline is now the end of the day on Dec. 7. We've had some volunteers but could use a few more.

If interested, please contact Atlanta Press Club Assistant Director Courtney Overcash at 404-577-7377 or [email protected]. Also please copy Will Lester, chairman of the awards committee at the National Press Club at [email protected].

Here's a reminder of the details: The Atlanta Press Club needs your help judging their 2012 Awards of Excellence. They have revamped their awards program and are looking for distinguished members of the National Press Club to judge their nominations. Volunteers may be asked to judge entries in print, broadcast, photography commentary and even their Atlanta Press Club Impact Award.

Judging will take place from February 11 to March 8. All judging will take place online. The Atlanta Press Club has revamped their awards program for 2012, therefore they cannot confirm how many entries you will be asked to judge, but they do not expect it to take up much of your time. Please mention your journalism background briefly so you can be matched with the most appropriate category.