Attention all National Press Club members: Today is Election Day

National Press Club members have one last opportunity today to vote for Press Club officers and governors for 2014.

Polls opened at 8 a.m. and will close at 7 p.m. Ballots, including those cast online and by paper absentee, will be counted immediately after closing. We expect results will be announced between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. in the NPC's Reliable Source.

Voting is running ahead of last year, which is believed to be a result of online voting making it easier to vote. Online voting ended Wednesday, Dec. 11, so the only way to vote today is in person at the Club.

Thus far, 147 Journalists -- 10.13 percent of the total Journalist membership -- have voted. That is 27 more than last year. Sixty-two communicators have voted, 12 more than last year and 6.27 percent of the communicator membership.