Attorney to discuss photography and the law March 22 at noon

Mickey Osterreicher, general counsel of the National Press Photographers Association, will speak to the Photo Team on "Photography and the Law: Visual Journalism in an Era of Fake News” at noon on Wednesday, March 22, in the McClendon Room.

He will present a program touching on the latest legal and ethical questions concerning the use of images in stories, the use of drones for news gathering, and the status of a copyright small claims tribunal. He will also answer questions on these subjects.

In addition to his position with NPPA, Osterreicher is of Counsel to Barclay Damon, LLP in the Media & First Amendment Law Practice Area. He is also an award-winning photojournalist with over forty years’ experience in print and broadcast. Osterreicher is active in federal shield law, media access, public photography, ag-gag legislation, anti-paparazzi statutes, drones, copyright, fair use and orphan works.

The meeting will convene at noon. The program will begin about 12:30 and wrap up by 1:30, following questions and discussion. Lunch will be available for purchase at the Reliable Source buffet and salad bar. The meeting is free and open to all interested Club members.