
Higher Fares and More Fees Mean a Stronger Bottom Line for U.S. Airlines

July 23, 2014

From the development of new aircraft to the recent tragedies of Malaysian Airlines flights MH370 and MH17, commercial air travel continues to play a prominent role in today’s news. In this edition of Update-1, National Press Club broadcast committee member Adam Konowe interviews Edward Russell, an…

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SPJ's Code of Ethics Adapts to the Digital Age

July 7, 2014

The Society of Professional Journalists, the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, is dedicated to stimulating high standards of ethical behavior by journalists. Its Code of Ethics has stood for years as a benchmark for newsrooms. Now, that Code is under revision to recognize the…

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Republicans Hope for a Big November

June 20, 2014

Which party has the advantage heading into the midterm elections? And what will Eric Cantor's stunning primary defeat mean for the tea party and the GOP? SiriusXM Satellite Radio White House correspondent Jared Rizzi discusses these topics and others with American Enterprise Institute political…

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A best-selling author and NPC member encourages companies to allow their workers to use social media on the job

April 28, 2014

What are the benefits of social media engagement for employers and corporations? The author of a best-selling social media book is the featured guest on this edition of Update-1. National Press Club member Aliah Wright discusses "A Necessary Evil: Managing Employee Activity on Facebook, Twitter,…

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An NPC member joins an international radio show that connects the U.S. and New Zealand

April 2, 2014

National Press Club member and Washington, D.C.-based journalist Victoria Gaither and Stu Frith, the founder of SeaBreeze FM in Himatangi Beach, New Zealand, discuss their new radio show with press club member Adam Konowe on this edition of Update-1. "International Connection" shares news and…

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What is the future of the Affordable Care Act?

February 27, 2014

As we approach the end of the open enrollment period for health plans under the Affordable Care Act, Update-1 takes a look at where the law goes from here. Is there any real chance ACA will be repealed? And what changes, if any, might eventually be made to the law? National Press Club member and…

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Remembering the NPC luncheon featuring music legend Pete Seeger

February 1, 2014

Former National Press Club President Doug Harbrecht remembers the Pete Seeger luncheon he hosted on February 10, 1998 on this edition of Update-1. Harbrecht, who was club president at the time, introduced the music legend. Seeger spoke about why he felt America needed small organizations of…

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China's Unmanned Moon Landing Among Recent Space Industry Developments

January 7, 2014

Update-1 sets its sights on the stars (or at least interplanetary travel) with a rundown of activities by the U.S. and other space-faring nations. Frank Morring, Jr., senior space editor at Aviation Week & Space Technology, reviews recent civil and military developments from China’s first…

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Is Press Freedom On the Decline?

December 9, 2013

Are news organizations in the U.S. free to report on federal, state and local government officials? Are federal public affairs offices hindering more than helping the cause of open government? Update-1 discusses press freedom with National Press Club President and Bloomberg News reporter Angela…

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What Have We Learned from the Federal Government Shutdown?

November 4, 2013

Do we know more now about about President Obama and Congress following the shutdown of the federal government? And since the deal to reopen the government only provides funding until mid-January, can we expect another shutdown at that time?Update-1 tackles these questions and others about the…

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