Book and Author Group member reads excerpt from her anthology contribution during book rap

Several members of D.C. Women Writers read excerpts from their new book "Furious Gravity" during a National Press Club Book and Author Group virtual book rap Oct. 6. The book contains stories written by 50 D.C.-area women writers.

Club and group member Naomi Weiss introduced Melissa Scholes Young, the editor of "Furious Gravity," who moderated the event. 

Melissa Scholes Young said that the book shows “how women writers continue thrive on the banks of the Potomac.” She then introduced the readers.

Weiss read first from her story about a mother in the 1920s who developed her ability to be independent after the death of her husband.

Alice Stephens read from her story, which was a reworking of "Wuthering Heights." Catherine feared heights and Heathcliff kept taking her to high places. 

Donna Hemans then read from "Father's Feet" about how the body can betray us. In the story, a young girl, about 4 years old, thinks that because she has feet and her father doesn’t, that she took his feet. He explains to her she did not take his feet.

Carrie Callaghan read next, and her story was about two women meeting.  Left us with a mystery.

Leeya Mehta was the final reader, with her story “How Does One Make a Woman Like That Happy?”

Mary Kay Zuravleff led a question-and-answer session to end the evening. Each reader spoke about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their writing. They all basically said it has not really affected their writing, though they have missed meeting with members of their group. Several mentioned that social distancing and other mitigation measures have given them more time to write.

The Book and Author Group is an informal committee of the National Press Club that strives to promote Club members' books by producing Book Raps for them. It meets the second Monday of each month.