Book Rap applications now open to self-pubished books on a trial basis

The National Press Club Book & Author Committee is testing whether self-published books can draw an audience for its Book Raps, which are fund raisers for the Club's Journalism Institute.

Recently, the Wire ran an article encouraging Club members to apply to present a Book Rap. It said that the Committee only considers books produced by publishers, not self-published books. Due to member protests,the committee will consider self-published books on a trial basis for the next several months. If you want to propose yours, contact Joe Motheral at [email protected] or Heather Forsgren-Weaver at [email protected].

Since a self-published book will be self-promoted you must demonstrate that you can attract an audience that will buy books. Please present a marketing plan with social media and other contacts. If you have published or self-published other books, indicate their sales performance.

The book you propose has to be a new book. Let us know at least four months before it is published.

All genres are welcome.