Books and Brunch to Discuss Hochschild's "Strangers In Their Own Land" Aug. 18

"Strangers In Their Own Land" by Arlie Russell Hochschild, one of the most influential sociologists of her generation, will be the topic of discussion at the next National Press Club Books and Brunch meeting at noon Saturday, Aug. 18, in the Fourth Estate Restaurant.

The Economist calls the book "an astute study of America's culture war drawn from the prospective of the white conservatives who feel they are losing it."

Hochschild told the PBS Newshour: "I feel as if I had studied for four years the kindling, and then, when I went to see Donald Trump at his primary rally in New Orleans, I saw the match that lit the kindling. They see in him someone who recognizes their sense of loss and discouragement and someone who is going to rescue them, almost in a secular rapture."

Books and Brunch is open to all Club members and their guests. Lunch may be ordered off the restaurant's menu. It is not mandatory to read the book. If you are able to attend, please contact Fay Iudicello at [email protected] or 703-989-4503 before noon on Thursday, Aug. 16.