Books and Brunch to discuss "Pachinko," Oct. 20

Please join Books and Brunch for lunch and discussion of "Pachinko" by Min Jin Lee at noon Saturday, Oct. 20, in the Fourth Estate Restaurant.

Finalist for the 2017 National Book Award, "Pachinko" chronicles four generations of an ethnic Korean family, their 100 year of survival through major world events and Japan's colonization of Korea, World War II, Christianity, love and the changing role of women. This novel details the history of "zainichi" and their mistreatment by all sectors of Japanese society. It is about outsiders, minorities, the politically disenfranchised and their refuge, "Pachinko."

The National Press Club's Books and Brunch is open to all Club members and their guests. Lunch may be ordered from the restaurant's menu. It is not mandatory to have read the book. There will be plenty to learn from hearing the discussion. If you are able to attend, please contact Fay Iudicello at [email protected] or call her at 703-989-4503 before noon on Thursday, Oct. 18. We want to assure adequate seating and service for all attendees.