Brain Facts book seeks freelance writers

The Society for Neuroscience is seeking writers for its textbook on the brain and nervous system, the Brain Facts book.

This short-term project is a revision of the seventh edition of Brain Facts, a companion publication to Writers will have prior experience accurately communicating science to a non-technical audience.

Writers must be comfortable with writing on topics from across the breadth of neuroscience in a tone that is accessible to a lay reader with a curiosity for science. Assignments will include subjects such as the following:

  • Brain anatomy

  • Senses and perception

  • Brain states, such as sleep and arousal

  • Homeostasis topics including stress, circadian rhythms, and hormonal control

  • Language, cognition and executive function

  • Developmental and degenerative processes

  • Research tools and technologies

To apply, please submit the following to the Managing Editor, Lisa Chiu, at [email protected] :

  • A statement of interest

  • Resume

  • Three writing samples