British defense attaché gives bullish report on Ukraine's offensive

"Ukraine is fighting for all of us who defend freedom," Rear Admiral Tim Woods, defense attaché and head of the British Defense staff in Washington, told National Press Club American Legion Post 20 at its luncheon meeting Wednesday.

Woods, who previously served as his country's defense attaché to Ukraine, gave an upbeat assessment of that country's Western-backed offense against Russia's invasion.


A graduate of the Royal College of Defence Studies and recipient of the Wellington Prize for Strategic Analysis, Woods praised the United States and others for providing the training and weapons needed to beat back what he described as a brutish attack on its neighbor.  He said here was "denial all around" when he warned that Russia would attack in spite of diplomatic efforts to avoid war.  "They (Russians) lied right up to the end," he said.  

Woods was outside the country when Russia launched its offense on Feb. 24, 2022, and was shocked at the amount of destruction he saw when he returned to Kiev and "got the longest hugs of my life" from grateful Ukrainians.

Woods assured Legionnaires, guests and Zoom attendees that Western aid to Ukraine is being carefully monitored and measured to avoid provoking a wider war. He cited the use of missile defense systems such as U.S. Patriot batteries rather than attacking missile launch sites inside Russia. 

Sophisticated weaponry is taking a toll on Russian troops, command and control centers and military leadership during Ukraine's counter offense, Woods said. He predicted that breaking the "land bridge" between Russian forces in the north and south in eastern Ukraine would force Russian President Vladimir Putin to negotiate a peace settlement.

Woods, a veteran of service in Afghanistan, the Far East and aboard British submarines, said the war demonstrates Russian military weaknesses, including unrealistic training, poorly motivated soldiers and an inflexible command structure in which "everyone is afraid to make a decision."  Ukrainians, meanwhile, have been quick to adapt Western technology and leadership methods.  He said Ukraine has enough motivated personnel to replenish its losses.

Asked about tensions with China over Taiwan, Woods insisted that "the last thing anyone wants is a war" over the island.  He said war would cripple China's economy and prompt inflation around the world that would dwarf that caused by the war in Ukraine.

Post 20 Commander Tom Young said the next post meeting would be in September with a speaker to be announced.  The speaking portions of Post meetings are open to all NPC members in person or via Zoom.