Broadcast/Podcast Committee Seeks New Members

Club members interested in multimedia, including traditional radio and television as well as new content forms, are invited to attend the next Broadcast/Podcast Committee meeting from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2 in the newly renovated Cosgrove Room (the former Games Room) in the Reliable Source.

One need not register, but if you plan to attend for the first time, please let a committee leader know in case we get moved to the McClendon Room.

Here are some questions and answers about the committee:

Q. Has the committee been around long and what’s up with the name?
A. We began as a broadcast task force in 2006 with the goal of supplying programming to then XM Satellite Radio and attained committee status one year after that. Since then, we’ve evolved into the Broadcast/Podcast Committee, reflecting changes in the industry and technology.

Q. Does one have to qualify or be invited to attend, and when do you meet?
A. All NPC members are invited to attend, preferably in-person although we also have a teleconferencing capability where members call in if they can’t make it to the Club. More than a decade old now, we have a variety of terrific committee members, ranging from those who've worked for many years in the industry to those who aspire to work in the trade or just learn a bit more about it. Our members have included strategic communicators, recent graduates, broadcast professionals, traditional text/print journalists and others. We typically meet on the first Thursday of the month at noon and wrap up at 1 p.m. Some members chose to eat lunch, usually taking advantage of the convenient lunch buffet. Along with our weekday monthly meetings, we also have at least a couple of evening events each year, some off-site.

Q. What does the committee do?
A. We have a variety of activities, including professional development, podcast creation, social events and lively discussions during our meetings. Some attend the meetings because they are interested in networking and gaining employment. Many of our events are focused on meeting or hearing from high-profile industry figures, including a number of very well-known people.

Q. What do you talk about?
A. We have agendas for our meetings focusing the work of the committee, but it is also meant to be freewheeling, entertaining and engaging. Discussions are lively and occasionally even humorous. We're always looking to come up with new ideas to engage the members. A variety of programs and topics are discussed during our regular meetings, including a popular segment where one member reflects on their career as well as changes and opportunities in the industry. We also encourage members to share their ideas about future projects, including new ideas.

Q. How can I learn more?
A. Feel free to contact any of the leaders of the committee, including Chairman Mark Hamrick [email protected], Vice Chairs Adam Konowe [email protected] and Mike Hempen [email protected].