Broadcast/Podcast Team seeking young members - meets today at noon

The National Press Club's hyperactive Broadcast/Podcast Team is actively seeking young members and others to contribute their podcasting skills to enhancing the reputation of the Club as the place "Where News Happens."

With more that 100 podcasts in circulation, this team offers Club members a chance to show off their skills while putting the Club's priorities in the public spotlight.

The next meeting of the team is today, March 5, at noon in the McClendon Room on the Club's 14th floor.  A buffet lunch will be available, but it is not necessary to purchase a meal to bring your ideas to the meeting.  Being broadcasters, the meetings end a precisely the top of the hour at 1 p.m.

In addition to monthly in person meetings, usually on the first Thursday, team leaders arrange newsroom tours and host happy hours for team members.

Join today or contact Team chairman Mark Hamrick for details at [email protected]