Broadcast/Podcast Team sets goals for 2018

The National Press Club's Broadcast & Podcast Team, wrapping up its 12th year, looked forward to 2018 at its monthly meeting Thursday with the realization that it's once nascent volunteer-produced Update-1 podcast series, started in 2013, would have it's 100th episode early in the new year. Twenty-three have been produced so far this year.

Members, led by Chairman Mark Hamrick, agreed to form sub-teams to take a more targeted approach to the podcast project and other regular programs such as its popular Dinners with Legends which bring together a small group for an informal chat with notables. Prominent broadcasters Barbara and John Cochran are set to be the first guests for 2018.

Ideas were tossed around for cross-pollinating Club-centric program ideas with other Club Teams and attracting more young members to the group. A program saluting the September 50th anniversary of the first "60 Minutes" broadcast was proposed.

Participation on the Team is open to all NPC Members. Invite yourself by sending an email to Hamrick at [email protected]. Meetings are the first Thursday or most months. The next lunchtime gathering in the Reliable Source rooms will be Feb. 1.