Burr articulates his agenda as NPC president on Update-1

For the latest Update-1 podcast, newly inaugurated National Press Club President Tommy Burr talks to Broadcast Committee member Shannon Fisher about the most important issues facing journalists today and his plan to keep the National Press Club in the forefront of those concerns.

Burr recounts tales of the Club shaping the careers of many of his friends and colleagues, plus what the organization means to him. He also reveals his objectives for his presidency, as well as his hopes for the journalism industry.

All podcasts are on www.press.org under the Recent Multimedia section or by clicking on the Multimedia link at the top of the home page and then clicking on Podcast. They also can be found by searching for “NPC Update-1” on iTunes, Stitcher or Tunein. Listeners can comment on any podcast by submitting an email to [email protected].

Update-1 is a production of the Club's Broadcast Committee. It provides a forum for listeners to learn about newsworthy stories, many originating from the Club or involving Club members.