Burr resigns as Board of Governors chair to run for Club Treasurer

Thomas Burr, currently chairman of the National Press Club Board of Governors, has announced his intention to run for Treasurer. As required by the Club's governing documents, he has submitted his resignation from the Board, effective the day before the annual meeting in January.

As a result of Burr's resignation, there are now three journalist positions open on the Board.

Burr's term expires January 2014, so the person filling his term will be running for a one-year term.

There is also one Communicator position open.

Persons interested in running for any of these positions, or for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Membership Secretary, should submit a nominating petition not later than Friday, 25. Details on the process and a copy of the election calendar and election rules can be obtained from Melinda Cooke in the Membership Department. ([email protected])