C-SPAN Retrospective at Oct. 21 Silver Owl Hoot

Thanks to C-SPAN, National Press Club luncheons have garnered a huge nationwide audience for the past 30 years. The Club's long-time members, Silver Owls, will celebrate the anniversary of the first C-SPAN telecast at the Fall Hoot dinner Thursday, Oct. 21, with a reception starting at 6:30 p.m. The event is open to all Club members and guests. Tickets are $35.

The Fall Hoot will honor two Club members involved in the first telecast, C-SPAN's founder Brian Lamb and Dawson (Tack) Nail, a broadcast journalist who took part in a call-in show following the initial Oct. 7, 1980, televised luncheon. Both will be inducted into the Order of the Owl, which recognizes "birds of a unique species ... who have nested at the National Press Club and demonstrated that they give a hoot for Washington journalism." A video will be shown with highlights of luncheons over the years.

The program will follow the cash bar reception and a traditional roast beef dinner with wine. Reserve at 202 662-7501.

-- Don Larrabee, [email protected]