Call for entries for The Goldziher Prize, deadline Dec. 9

The Goldziher (Gold-zi-air) Prize is an award for excellence in the coverage of American Muslims by an individual or team of U.S. journalists, and was created in response to the rising fear and hateful actions toward American Muslims. The Center for the Study of Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations at Merrimack College, an independent college in the Catholic Augustinian tradition, and the William and Mary Greve Foundation seek to publicly recognize and stimulate stories or opinion pieces about Muslims in the U.S.

This competition is named for Ignác Goldziher (1850-1921), a Hungarian Jew who was one of the first university scholars in Europe to study and admire the laws, poetry, and practices of Islam.

Criteria for Entry:
ž Entries can include works in print, video or audio, and photographic essays, which were created after December 15, 2014.
ž We prefer entries that have been published, although we will accept new, unpublished works.
ž Preference will be given to a series or collection of works and we especially encourage submissions that have had an impact on an individual, community, organization, or government agency.

ž 1 Gold Goldziher Prize of $15,000
ž 1 Silver Goldziher Prize of $8,000
ž 1 Bronze Goldziher Prize of $2,000

The deadline for submissions is Fri. Dec. 9, 2016. Early in 2017, a distinguished jury will judge the entries. Winners will be announced on May 1, 2017. Please visit for more details.