Cheer on your fellow journalists at National Press Foundation virtual awards night, Feb. 18

The National Press Foundation invites National Press Club members to join in a virtual celebration of award-winning journalism on Thursday, Feb. 18, at 5 p.m.

The event is free. To register, click here.

You’ll hear from award winners, including Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN, columnist George Will of the Washington Post, Editor of the Year Peter Bhatia of the Detroit Free Press as well as award winners from Time, USA Today and NPR. You may also convene in virtual rooms for networking and mini-master classes with award-winning journalists.

Press Club Member David Lynch of the Washington Post and his colleagues Josh Dawsey, Jeff Stein and Carol Leonnig, winners of the Hinrich Foundation Award for Distinguished Reporting on Trade, will discuss trade reporting with NPC past president Mark Hamrick of

The National Press Foundation board is chaired by NPC past president Donna Leinwand Leger.