Club co-ed softball team will have full season starting in late April

Are you ready for some softball?

After a year with a shortened season, which followed a year of no games at all, the Metropolitan Media Softball League has planned a 14-game season over seven weeks for 2022, culminating in a play-off tournament July 9-10 at Cabin John Park in North Bethesda, Maryland.

The National Press Club co-ed team will be in a four-team division, one of three divisions, and play its Saturday morning double-headers primarily at East Norbeck park, off Georgia Avenue near the intersection with the Intercounty Connector in Montgomery County, Maryland. Division rivals will be SiriusXM, Alumni (coached by former Club president Jonathan Salant, who helmed the team to the MMSL championship in 2021) and Discovery. That lineup includes three 2019 playoff teams.

Veterans are expected to return to the Club team, but new players are always welcome, especially when summer vacations begin and not everyone can play every week of the season, which will get underway late April and be concentrated on May and June weekends.

More details to come. If you're interested or want to consider it after a few weekend practice sessions being organized, contact Coach Jim Rubin at [email protected].