Club dinner series features Iraqi ambassador on Wednesday

The National Press Club is launching a new dinner series featuring ambassadors with the first one scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 29.

Iraqi Ambassador Fareed Yasseen will be the first guest, fielding questions from Club President Jeff Ballou, at the event, sponsored by the International Correspondents and Events teams.

Register online.

The Ambassador Dinner Series is designed to welcome the highest foreign diplomats in Washington to the Club to discuss topics of interest around a special dinner created by Executive Chef Susan Delbert to pay homage to the culinary traditions of the country. The series also will feature a podcast produced by the Broadcast team.

The menu:

Salad: Greens, carrots, sweet onion, cucumbers and crispy garbanzo beans; sumac vinaigrette

Entrée: Crispy skin red snapper, confetti saffron couscous, Middle Eastern ratatouille with dates

Dessert: Apple bread pudding with caramel sauce