FROM CLUB EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Be aware of surroundings on streets outside Press Building

National Press Club Executive Director Bill McCarren shared the following message about incidents near the Club last week: 

Last week there were two incidents during daylight hours near the Metro's Metro Center entrance at 12th and F streets that should cause members to be extra careful when traveling to and from the Club.

Both incidents, one on Tuesday and the other on Thursday, were robberies at knifepoint. Both victims were women. The robberies occurred in the noon-3 p.m. time frame. In one, the victim was cut when reaching for the knife.

Police are still looking for suspects in these incidents. 

When traveling to and from the Club, be aware of your surroundings. Don’t wear headphones for that short walk to the Club. If you can walk with another person, that is the best option. Be mindful that these attacks were in the middle of the day.