Club indie authors next meeting set for Oct. 11

Independent authors, here's your chance to gain the knowledge you need to publish your next book. Share coffee and conversation about the business aspects of authorship with fellow indie authors and National Press Club members on Thursday, Oct. 11, at 10 a.m. in the McClendon Room.

Contact Ed Barks at [email protected] to reserve your seat.

Independent authors face a set of unique challenges, among them deciding on publication options, managing the marketing of their work, and securing copy editors and designers. Face it, you're running a business, so let's help each other get smarter.

Join this informal forum for published authors who discuss the business of independent authorship. We share successes and challenges with regard to the writing, publishing, marketing, and distribution of our books.

There is no cost other than a willingness to contribute your thoughts to fellow authors. Coffee service is available from the Truman Lounge for those who wish.

Here are the ground rules. You must be:
-- A current Club member
-- Author of a book that is publicly available for sale (on Amazon, for instance). Print, ebook, POD, or audio book formats qualify.
-- Independently published (i.e., not with a traditional publisher, though if you have published using both the indie and traditional routes, you are welcome to join us).

We are here to discuss the business aspects of writing and publishing, not the writing process itself. This is not an official Club group, simply a collection of members seeking to get smarter about publishing and selling their work independently.

If you are unable to attend on Oct. 11, email Ed so that we can contact you with details of future meetings.