Club lets FDR's late dues slide, 1944

This Week In National Press Club History

May 11, 1944: President Franklin Roosevelt's penalty for late payment of dues is waived.

May 11, 1964: The National Press CLub board votes to admit women to the ballroom during luncheon speeches, but reverses itself 11 days later.

May 13, 1999: Comedian-philosopher George Carlin gets a surprise cake for his 62nd birthday, chiding the press at a luncheon for using political euphenisms.

May 14, 2007: Tony Snow, White House press secretary, and veteran reporter Bob Schieffer compete in the first Battle of the Bands.

This Week in National Press Club History is brought to you by the History & Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club's history through displays, panel discussions, lectures and the oral history project.

For more information on History & Heritage Committee activities, or to join the committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected]