Club member Anthony Gallo's play, "The Eaton Woman,” to be presented by Greenbelt Arts Center over next two weekends

National Press Club member Anthony Gallo's play, "The Eaton Woman,” will be presented by the Greenbelt Arts Center over the next two weekends

The play aims to dispel any notion that Washington was once a kinder, gentler city and is not well suited for people who hate gossip. This historically based drama is all about morals, adultery, rumors of adultery, women’s roles in Washington society, the quasi downfall of the Jackson Administration in the 1830s, infidelity, and one of the most beautiful woman in Washington history. Through 79 years she goes through three husbands, raises eyebrows when she marries in her late fifties, and spends her last days reminiscing and defending her morality.

Although some agree with the notion that she was the most beautiful woman in Washington power history, others say she was the most immoral. Others say the most abrasive. All agree on one thing: She and her husband, The U.S. Secretary of the Army, former Army major, and then Secretary of Defense for Andrew Jackson, created more controversy than any other power couple in power Washington’s political history. And no one has yet figured out what was the truth.

Performances will be held in the historic Greenbelt Arts Center July 8-10 and July 15-17. For more information, contact Gallo at [email protected]. Or