Club Member Arthur "Ted" Rowse publishes book on language

A new book by National Press Club member Arthur E. Rowse, "Amglish, in Like, Ten Easy Lessons: A Celebration of the New World Lingo," was published this week by Rowman & Littlefield.

The tongue-in-cheek book about language, which includes many humorous drawings, has been accepted for the Club Book Fair on Nov. 15.

Previously, Rowse wrote "Drive-By Journalism: The Assault on Your Need to Know," which was published in 2000 by Common Courage Press.

Rowse, known as "Ted," funds The National Press Club Award for press criticism, which is named after him. A member of the Club since the late 1960s, Rowse is a retired journalist who has written for the Washington Post and U.S. News & World Report. He also wrote twice-weekly columns for daily papers on consumer matters.