Club member discusses book on ‘Russiagate’ report

National Press Club member Andrew Kreig said his latest book, The Complete Annotated Durham Russiagate Report, was possible “because of my rare position to learn certain facts.”

Kreig BookKreig discussed his book on June 18 at a book event sponsored by the Club’s Member Author Group.

The book exposes Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham as a supporter of former President Donald Trump and shows his attempts to go after Hillary Clinton and find evidence that absolved any of Trump’s supporters of any connection with Russia.

The book was started 13 years ago and according to Krieg was updated in August 2023. Durham’s report and congressional testimony in June of 2023 show his zeal to protect his Trump patron and smear Hillary Clinton, Kreig said.  According to the book he ‘cherry picked’ evidence to keep from documenting serious threats by Russia to interfere with U.S. elections.

“Durhams’ public portrayal has been as a competent, politically neutral justice seeker. But I learned that he was zealous and arrogant, as shown by rulings by four federal judges vacating on the grounds of prosecutorial convictions that had been won by teams led by Durham or his closest colleague Nora Dannehy,” Kreig said.

Kreig expressed some concern that Trump would gear up the system to go after any critics of their “ideology and their power centers.”

As Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un were meeting in a well-publicized state visit in North Korea, Kreig said he was concerned about former President Trump’s connections to the two men.

Kreig further commented about the loss of some one third of the nation’s newspapers which brought responses from the audience. One participant gave plaudits to the Washington Post and the New York Times.

Naomi Weiss introduced Kreig at the event.