Club member launches writing group for explanatory journalism

Be a part of the beginning of a new writing group for explanatory journalism. The Wonky Writers Group meets at 8 p.m each Tuesday at the National Press Club on the 14th floor mezzanine.

Explanatory journalism is nonfiction writing that is designed to tell you not just what is happening but why it is happening. The topics we cover range from politics and policy to lifestyle and baseball—really, anything that can be explained.

The group is structured like a creative writing group. One member brings a piece each week, reads it out loud, and then we discuss. The writer can be silent or ask a few questions if they choose. It’s a great chance to get some eyes on your writing before you send it to an editor or put it on the Internet. Plus, as a group member, you get something new explained to you by someone interesting every week.

This group is free. Please email [email protected] for more information.