Club Member Meeting Report: Membership, Reserves Growing

On a day when all major U.S. stock market averages punched through to new highs, National Press Club officers reported the Club was doing well financially but said they continued to worry about an unstable economy.

Membership Secretary Marc Wojno reported 107 persons have applied for membership thus far this year, up from 79 last year. There's been a steady growth in the spouse and nonresident categories, and we have added members from The Washington Post, CNN, Fox News and NBC among other outlets.

Discounted tickets are available to members to attend Wizards basketball and other sporting events and selected concerts. The list of reciprocal clubs has grown, and the Club is in discussions with two prestigious clubs in Chicago.

Treasurer John Hughes said the Club has been consistently profitable. Last year was the fourth year of million dollar profits, "a performance unmatched in our 106-year history." We're on track for our fifth year of million-dollar profits. The Club continues working toward a goal of $3.5 million in reserves by year-end. Reserves currently total $2 million. In 2008, the Club had no reserves. "That's great progress in five years, thanks to the commitment of the staff and all of you," Hughes said.

We will be debt free this year, he added. In July 2010, we had $1.6 million in debt. Because we will be debt free, we can take on new projects and invest in improvements to the Club. "We are in a better position than we have been for years."

President Angela Greiling Keane noted the annual Journalism Bootcamp, sponsored by the National Press Club Journalism Institute, will be Saturday, May 18.

Speaking on World Press Freedom Day, Greiling Keane noted the Club has been busy in advancing press freedom. We've had two panels on press freedom and Internet governance, we've put out statements supporting the release of jailed Turkish journalists, and a statement support a Fox News journalist in a court battle in Colorado. The Fox News reporter won her case, and the Turkish journalist was released.

The Speaker's Committee has been busy, and when Reince Priebus, Republican National Chairman, addressed a recent Speaker's Breakfast, the event was covered by multiple outlets. The President of Iceland was the first head of state to speak at a luncheon since 2010. Greiling Keane noted luncheon reservations can now be booked online, a format which provides instant confirmations.

The Club has started a partnership with music venue Blues Alley, Greiling Keane noted, featuring the Youth Orchestra of Blues Alley. "Be sure to make reservations because it sells out," she said.

Looking to the future, Greiling Keane said the Club's annual Awards Dinner will be Aug. 6, the NPC 5K Run, benefiting the NPC Journalism Institute will be Sept. 7, and the Book Fair will be Nov. 19.