Club member now in New Zealand offers assistance for reporting on deadly attack

National Press Club member Victoria Gaither, who has been reporting from New Zealand as a freelancer for four years, has offered other Club members assistance in lining up journalist interview contacts in New Zealand.

She has been following the events surrounding the shootings at mosques in Christchurch and is willing to talk to fellow Club members about the "mood of the country." She can be reached at [email protected].

"I would be able to talk about the mood of the people and how devastating this is to the country," she wrote in an email to the Wire. "I mainly do interviews and speak."

Before moving to New Zealand, she worked in TV news in Salisbury, Md., and at ABC News in Washington.

Gaither is also in contact with New Zealand National Press Club President Peter Iassac, who runs this website MSC NewsWire. She says he is also willing to speak to Club members from his vantage point covering the legislature.

Gaither's webpage is here.