Club member offers study trip to Turkey in early November

National Press Club member Mehmet Saracoglu invites Club members -- journalists and communicators -- to Rumi Forum`s upcoming annual study trip to Turkey.

The trip -- from Nov. 6 to Nov. 15 -- will focus on media and press freedom, democracy and human rights in Turkey and the wider region, as well as social, economic, cultural, security and political issues.

The application form is due by Oct. 5.

The Rumi Forum has been organizing trips to Turkey since 2005 as a way to inform Club members about the country and region.

During the tour, Club members will have an opportunity to gain an insight into topics including media and press freedom, national security, foreign policy, trade, economic development, civil society activism, women’s rights and minority issues through meetings with journalists, think tanks, members of parliament, government officials, civil society organizations, business leaders, scholars and others.

Participants must purchase their own round trip flight tickets (to and from Istanbul) and provide $750 that will go towards domestic flights within Turkey. Rumi Forum will cover all other expenses including accommodation ground transportation and meals. However, if any Club members wish to reimburse Rumi Forum for these costs, they may do so.

A sample itinerary and more information about the trip can be found online.

If you have any questions regarding the trip, please send an email Mehmet Saracoglu at Rumi Forum at [email protected] or call 202 429 1690. If you know a fellow Club member who would be interested in this study tour, please send Saracoglu his or her background for consideration [name, position, organization, brief bio].