Club member shares election coverage resources from experts on panel she moderated

National Press Club member Celia Wexler designed and moderated a panel of experts to discuss "Elections in a Time of Turmoil: What every journalist needs to know" for journalists attending a conference, MediaFest22, in Washington the last weekend of October. She said that in planning it, she was thinking about how "this year, more is at stake than control of Congress. Our democracy hangs in the balance."

She is sharing with Club members the PowerPoint presentation the three panelists compiled, in the hope that with the midterms just days away, the slides will provide some resources of use when dealing with election officials, misinformation about voting and ballots among the electorate, and knowing your rights when it comes to newsgathering at polling places -- among other issues.

The session provided practical advice, such as getting to know the election officials you will be talking to -- not now, but after the midterms and well before the next general election period. And becoming well versed in journalists' rights so that accessing information on election day is not a frustration.

For more information about the panel or if you have questions, email Celia Wexler at [email protected].