Club member's documentary premieres at Rhode Island film festival

National Press Club member James Dean Le Sueur's documentary feature film about the dissident movement in Czechoslovakia, The Art of Dissent, will premiere Thursday, Aug. 6, at 6:30 p.m. at Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival.

The Art of Dissent explores the power of artistic engagement in Czechoslovakia before and after the 1968 Soviet-led invasion.
The Art of Dissent explores the power of artistic engagement in Czechoslovakia before and after the 1968 Soviet-led invasion.

RIIFF, which runs from Aug. 4 to Aug. 9, is free and online this year due to COVID19. 

The Art of Dissent explores the power of artistic engagement in Czechoslovakia before and after the 1968 Soviet-led invasion. The documentary’s main protagonists – Václav Havel, banned singer Marta Kubišová, and the underground rock group The Plastic People of the Universe – became the most recognizable dissidents during the 1970s and 1980s. Havel fused literary, rock ’n’ roll, political, and philosophical worlds into a hybrid network that eventually toppled the totalitarian regime during the Velvet Revolution of 1989. 

Click here to watch the trailer.

For more information, email James Dean Le Sueur at [email protected].